domain_user_default 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-1.2:

  • #1424870 by jessehs: Added Allow the redirect path to be altered using drupal_alter().
  • Stripping CVS keywords
  • #1003800 by adamdicarlo - Domain switcher form doesn't submit in Internet Explorer

domain_user_default 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

- Bug fixes, and changes to the redirection process.
- Session API updates

domain_user_default 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Contains the following bug fixes and new features:
#463034 - upgrade to Domain Access 2.x version
#585168 - redirect to the node user was viewing rather than home page
#399004 - expose ability to return # of users per domain
#322878 - fixes a bug introduced by the previously committed patch in this issue
#338285 - avoid checking for user default domain on domain geolocalization and domain user default module callback urls
- Added additional options for modifying the $user object on non-redirected paths.

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