Dependencies :

  • views(defines extension for views, but can work without as well)
  • domain


This modul provides a solid domain based, distributed user administration.
On a CMS spanning multiple domains the numbers of users which need to be administered can be very high.
To administer them all can be a huge undertaking.
Since some of this domains may require special procedures, etc. it might be a good idea to
leave this task to someone who knows the procedures of that very domain.

Since the useradministration is a very sensitive part of any CMS you might not want to give this right to a lot of users.

Using this module you can control the actions of the user who is supposed to administer the users for that very domain.

It allows, restricting the roles which can be granted, as well as edited and allowes you to grant this right to certain users.


Once installed you have to define the roles
which should be editable on a certain domain or by
a certain user ( admin/structure/domain/domainusermanagment ) .

Only users which hold no roles that are not defined for this domain or
local administrators are visible to the local administrator.
It is only possible to add rights.
You cannot take away rights from the local administrator using the
usersetting and the domainsetting.

You then elect a local administrator by granting the user the right
'Creating local users' .

Now the local administrator can use the form at
admin/useradministration to administrate the users of his domain.

Project information
