This module allows you to electronically sign documents using DocuSign.
It sets up authentication and basic services to interface with Docusign API.

This module is intended to be an API module for developers.
The main aim is to integrate DocuSign with libraries to manage it efficiently as a project dependency.


Based on docusign/esign-client composer package.
It is strongly recommended to install the module with composer.
Use following command: composer require drupal/docusign_signature

DocuSign provides OAuth authentication and JSON response.
You need to download/enable these PHP libraries to use this module.


You need to configure DocuSign endpoints to connect with your DocuSign application.
A configuration form page is avaialble : /admin/config/services/docusign/settings

You can choose between 2 authentication modes:

  • Code grants
  • Json Web Token (JWT): A private key is necessary.

You can enable and configure HMAC security if you need event notification.

You can switch between production and demonstration mode to develop and test easily.
A mocked module is available if needed. You can enable it to mock DocuSign interfacing.

More informations for developers


  • Write unit tests
  • Suggest other examples
  • Don't hesitate to create tasks if you have ideas. 😉

Module is currently being under heavy developing process, so any feedback would be appreciated.

Project information
