This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

In short dgms is a new D8 project which will allow you to have plugable contacts from one side, group that contacts in groups (also plugable) and then send some message (and again message is plugable) to contact groups.

First iteration will have mail pluging for sending plain and html mails and contact plugins for Drupal users, and simplenews and similar crm modules (when they port them self to Drupal 8).

Yes our plan is to start work on D8 and skip D7 version. Will it be D7 port - we are not planning it for now, contact us if you need this feature.


  • 08.08.2013 - We just started with initial architecture planing. Expect more news soon ;)


Initial development of this module is sponsored by MontenaSoft.

Project information
