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Adds a "Google Analytics alike" date range picker integration as a module. Uses this library:

It provides a #daterangepicker form element with some options:

$element['range'] = array(
  '#type' => 'daterangepicker',
  '#DateRangePicker_options' => array(
    'initial_text' => t('Select date range...'),
    'apply_button_text' => t('Apply'),
    'clear_button_text' => t('Clear'),
    'cancel_button_text' => t('Cancel'),
    'range_splitter' => ' - ',
    'date_format' => 'd M, yy',
    // This needs to be a format recognised by javascript Date.parse method.
    'alt_format' => 'yy-mm-dd',
    'date_picker_options' => array(
      'numberOfMonths' => 2,


  1. moment.js module (and moment.js library)
  2. jQuery UI datepicker library
  3. Libraries module (optional)


  1. Add FieldAPI integration
  2. Expose more datepicker / date range options

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