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Restricts valid values in date fields, and datepicker popup widget.

This project is compound of a base module providing the API, and several submodules that provide different kind of restrictions.


Date Restrictions Min/Max
Restricts valid minimum and maximum values to a fixed date, or relative interval. Dates or intervals may be provided statically in the field instance settings, or obtained from other fields attached to the entity. Some examples:
  • Reservation dates starting today, or three days ahead.
  • +18 years old.
  • Dates after, or before, 01/01/2000.
Date Restrictions Allowed Values
Restrict allowed values. This module doesn't actually restrict values. It's an API module for other modules integration. See below for some modules implementing allowed values restrictions.
Date Restrictions Host Entity
Allow restrictions based on fields in the same entity, within the add/edit form. Restrictions are performed live with ajax. Some examples:
  • Dates greater, or lower to the value in another date field of the form.
  • Allow dates in (or not in) another date field of the form.

Other modules integrating with Date Restrictions

Work Calendar
Restrict allowed dates based on working/holidays calendars.
Date Restrictions for Commerce line items
For date fields attached to a commerce line item, allow for restrictions based on fields attached to the product display node.
Weekdays field
Allow for restrictions based on week days.
TODO: Views integration
Restrict allowed values based on the output of a view.

Support and customizations

The module author provides paid development and consulting services. Contact Jonathan Araña Cruz.

You can also support this module by giving cash gifts via Gratipay.

Project information
