This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module allows developers tracked by the CVS integration module to be associated with an e-mail address, to assist with the migration of CVS repositories to Git repositories. CVS Users will be associated with an anonymous "no-reply" by default. Additionally they will be able to select an e-mail from a list of addresses Drupal associates with the user.

This module was developed as a response to the issue #992802: Create a module to capture the migration preferences of current d.o CVS account holders.


  • When enabled it goes through {cvs_accounts} and associates anonymized e-mail addresses with all of the CVS username entries that don't already have a repository mail associated with them.
  • Adds "Repository full name" text item to the CVS module's cvs_user_edit_form
  • Adds "Repository e-mail" select item to the CVS module's cvs_user_edit_form; options include:
    • The Drupal user's e-mail address
    • List of any repository e-mails associated with the user (multiple CVS usernames may be manually associated with a Drupal user).
    • List of all e-mails for the user from Multiple Email Addresses module (if enabled).
    • Anonymized e-mail (if it isn't already listed)
  • Drush command to download a flat-file mapping CVS username to Git user metadata.
    • Command: drush cvsmigration-export [filepath]
    • Example CSV Output:
      "101","Drupal Profile Full Name","cvs_username",""
      "102","Jonathan W. Webb","webbj74",""


Project information
