
This project is proposed as a repository for project logos developed under the Project Browser initiative.


Currently project logos must use the PNG image format. However many logos have been developed as vector images. In many cases the vector image will have a smaller file size and produce a higher quality image, scalable to any resolution. It is hoped that SVG images may be supported by Project Browser in the future.

The aim of this project is to ensure that the SVG images will be available if they are needed in the future, either to produce a rescaled bitmap, or to include the vector image in the project.

Adding a logo to the repository

If you would like to add a project logo to the repository, please follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that either the target project has accepted the project, or that the logo issue has a status of "Reviewed & tested by the Community" in the Project Browser issue queue.
  2. Create a new issue of type "Task" on the Custom Logo with the title "Adding logo for Project Name". The issue should state whether the logo has been accepted by the project, or is RTBC in the issue queue.
  3. Click the "Create issue fork" button on the issue page.
  4. Click the "Create new branch" button under the issue fork. You can customize the branch name if you wish.
  5. Open the forked GitLab repository.
  6. Click the "+" icon next to the branch name, and select "New directory". Enter the machine name of the project as the folder name.
  7. Click the "+" icon again and select "Upload file". Upload the SVG version of the logo. Repeat for the PNG version. If the software used to create the logo has a native format, please also upload that.
  8. Click "Create Merge Request" and press submit on the following page.

The project maintainers will review and accept the merge request to complete.

Project information
