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The "Currencylayer Currency Converter" module will help your website convert currency using the Currencylayer.
It will give you a block to convert currency from one format to another. This module provides the option to set your default block currency. This module also provides a function to convert currency from one
format to another.

You can do following once you enable the module:
1. Register on site and get Access Key.
2. Change default currencies to convert from and to, and set API key, at admin >> configuration >> currencylayer-currency-converter-setting.
3. Run Cron (Every cron run currency conversion rate save in "currencylayer_converter_rate" variable and at the time of currency conversion, system use this conversion rate. For more accurate rate set cron every 3 hours.)
4. Enable Currencylayer Currency Converter block, at admin >> structure >> Currencylayer Currency Converter

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