
We are working with dev/demo/live staging copies of sites and need to synchronise sites.

One thing I'm doing is excluding the default/files directory from subversion control as the files in dev copies will conflict with files in demo/live copies.

If we could set css_injector files to be stored in default/files/css_injector for example then we could include this directory in the source control - maybe - this should be the default as it would make it easier for users who like to directly edit the .css files to find them.

Either that - or - the .css could be stored in the database and the .css files created on the fly as per imagecache. This might not be wanted by people who directly edit the .css files themselves - but I see this as something which should have been clear from the beginning.

If people want to edit the css files manually then maybe there should be an export/import css file feature to allow for the css to be exported to a file which can then be edited manually and then imported back in to the database.


rfay’s picture

I think this is a dup of #886184: Store CSS info in database (and export it to files directory) - IMO that's the way to do it.