cronplus 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes
New features

This release incorporates the test feature requested in #363809, and fixes some bugs with submit handling for the administrative form.

Since this module interfaces with automated processes in cron, you are advised to test carefully in your environment to make sure the upgrade doesn't break anything.

cronplus 6.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Reverted accidental commit of Drupal 5 version to this branch, and fixed issue #275299 (weekly hook not always invoked).

cronplus 5.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Reverted accidental commit of Drupal 6 version to this branch, and fixed issue #275299 (weekly hook not always invoked).

cronplus 6.x-1.0-beta2

Initial port to Drupal 6 compatibility. No known bugs, but this version has not been tested by the community yet. Please test and file issues here for bugs.

Be sure to download beta 2, not beta 1. Beta 1 had a critical bug in the logging feature.

Note that this version does include the patch for bug #173855.

cronplus 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Applied #173855 patch to fix hooks not being invoked under some circumstances. Thanks to "tom friedhof" for the patch and "gestaltware" for helping to test it.

cronplus 5.x-1.0

Initial port to Drupal 5.x compatibility, with contributed patch by "darthsteven" and bug fixes by "syscrusher". Versions for Drupal 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 are still available in CVS, but only the 5.x version will receive new features.

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