# Summary

IP Geolocation Views & Maps (IPGV&M) is first and foremost a mapping engine.

The module makes it very easy to create Views-based mapping solutions using the map renderer of your choice (Google, OpenLayers or Leaflet) with any location storage module of your choice, e.g. Get Locations, Geofield, Geolocation Field or Location.

# Project URL


# Where is the code?


# Estimated completion date


# Dependencies


# Who's doing the port?


# What help do they need?

Maintainer is looking for volunteers!

D8 roadmap

Issue on D8 port

Background and reference information



JulienC created an issue.

thechraveler’s picture


Mircea Shanti’s picture

Any updates on the port?

Thanks !

hbensalem’s picture

following, any news ?

mariami.ta’s picture

Any updates? Thank you.

dqd’s picture

The last tweet of Flink Collective (Melbourne, Australia based Web dev company which is indirectly maintainer of this module via RdeBoer) was from 2015... So we can assume there is a 96% chance that we need a new maintainer request here for the project. If someone knows him personally I would suggest to ping him for letting us know whats up shortly if there is no time. Additionally we need to change the project page status to "needs new maintainer".

hansrossel’s picture