# Summary

Provides a unified and extensible way to upload, browse, and manage media on a Drupal site.

# Project URL


# Where is the code?


# Estimated completion date

Functionality provided by other modules. Media project is deprecated in contrib.

# Who's doing the port?

The Drupal Media Team (https://github.com/drupal-media)

# What help do they need?

(Are there specific types of resources (e.g. skillsets, $, sprints) that would be helpful to expedite porting?)

# D8 roadmap

The Media module will be a vastly different module for Drupal 8. Many of the responsibilities and code that was contained in Media is being split into separate components:

This is a big number of modules. If one is looking for a pre-configured out of the box solution one could check one of the following modules that build on top of the ecosystem above:

See http://janezurevc.name/when-will-media-be-ready-drupal-8#list-modules for a detailed run-down of the various Media sub-components as of November 9, 2015.


Dave Reid created an issue. See original summary.

Dave Reid’s picture

Priority: Minor » Major
mgifford’s picture

webchick’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Adding a pointer to the excellent blog post at http://janezurevc.name/when-will-media-be-ready-drupal-8 by @slashrsm.

gokulnk’s picture

I think we should also add a reference to Media Pink Eye.

Media Pinkeye is one of "full-featured" media solutions for Drupal8. It's goal is to provide basic media features and experience (WordPress parity).

Also on https://contribkanban.com/board/contrib_tracker it lists the module under "No Port Active", while this empirically right I think it can be misleading. Please let me know what you think on this.

sime’s picture

Looking for some context... The media and media_entity projects are both owned by the "Drupal Media Team" user. Does it follow that they are being developed under the same D8 roadmap? The two modules appear to have completely different teams of contributors.

sime’s picture

OK, watched the slideshow (without sound) and I take it they are mutually exclusive functionality part of the same big picture roadmap.

slashrsm’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Adding link to File browser module: https://drupal.org/project/file_browser

freelylw’s picture

I am going to start a D7 site now, so,what should I used for the video upload now?? It seems there are lots of new selection for D8, should I still use the "media"+ media_vimeo and medis_youtube now ? or should I use another one ?? Please suggest !!! its really difficult to understand what's the best for now and for the upgrade to D8 in the next.

Thank you !!!

dercheffe’s picture

Hi @all,

will there be an upgrade path from D7 to D8 for already existing content?

thx, phil

willyk’s picture

@freelylw I work with the media team and can help you with this question. If you open an issue on the media project page here: https://www.drupal.org/project/media (specifying D7), then we can have a discussion there and I can help you to work through a solution to your question. Your strategy for a D7 site will be somewhat different than for a D8 site.

Lukas von Blarer’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Obviously development has started. Changing issue summary.

slashrsm’s picture

As part of 2016 Google summer of code @royal121 worked on D8 port of media. Initial code in available on https://github.com/drupal-media/media.

webchick’s picture

Status: Active » Needs work

Oh, great! Marking Needs Work.

Any way to sync that over to Drupal.org as it's being developed so that the project page doesn't look so sad? :)

slashrsm’s picture

That is the plan. Would be great to hear what @Dave Reid thinks about that.

Dave Reid’s picture

The GSOC student emailed me to ask permission and I replied that I'd love to find out more, and that if he had a summary blog post or high-level of what's the end-result, that I could really use that. I'm still waiting on that information, so if someone here can provide it, even better.

slashrsm’s picture

He provided PR for D8 media guide: https://github.com/drupal-media/d8-guide/pull/38/files I think that it should give you the general overview of what has been done.

That PR also needs a review so any help with that would be great too. It has been on my todo list for a while since I just returned from vacation.

brahimmouhamou’s picture

4 months passed, media-entity has it's own project now: https://www.drupal.org/project/media_entity
Does this mean the 'media' module wont be ported and that we should all start using 'media entity'?

webcultist’s picture

Depends on what you want to archive.
The plan is (as far as I know) to have the media module as a connection module between all the small small media modules. The main functionality will be in this submodules as for example media_entity.
The media module is already in an early port state: https://github.com/drupal-media/media
When you just need the media entities, you can use the media_entity module.

seanB’s picture

Media entity will soon hopefully move in to core as media #2831274: Bring Media entity module to core as Media module. This will take up the D8 namespace for media. Core should come with media fields and some form of media browser, so for basic media needs that should be enough.

There should be an upgrade path from media entity, so if you can't wait you should start with that!

karamveersingh’s picture

hello all,

I have started work with D8 and want to know Is Media(https://www.drupal.org/project/media) Addon ready for Drupal 8 version.

Please suggest alternative addon which have exact same features as in Media(https://www.drupal.org/project/media)


leisurman’s picture

Is the Lightning Media module different than the Media Module here:
Do they do the same thing? And It sounds like this Media module will become part of core soon is that right?

joseph.olstad’s picture

The upgrade path from 8.2.x / 8.3.x with media to 8.4.x is reportedly problematic.

#2889681: Uninstall of Media module causes RouteNotFoundException - Preparation for Drupal 8.4

webchick’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Status: Needs work » Fixed
webchick’s picture

Oh, I'm SO sorry! Wrong issue. ;(

webchick’s picture

Linking over a related issue with Media Entity info.

miro_dietiker’s picture

Somehow the status and transition seems inconsistent.

Is this now a fixed or even a won't fix with media[_entity] being in 8.4 core?

webchick’s picture

Yeah, apparently issues do not like reverting revisions.

I struggled with this, too.

We could go with closed (won't fix), because the first part of Media is in core, and the plan is to get the rest of it moved over in later point releases. But at the moment what's in core is in no way remotely equivalent, so that feels wrong.

Maybe closed (duplicate), and pointing off to e.g. Entity Browser, Entity Embed, etc. but we'd need some guidance on how folks can replicate what they expect in D7 media with D8 modules (and which) in order to do that.

sime’s picture

I'm already using core media on a couple of sites, and so I'm keen to have a birds-eye overview of the gaps and contrib developments. Reference links from this issue would be awesome.

mmjvb’s picture

Would prefer Closed (won't fix) to express the fact it is included in core. Obviously, the project page of Media should point out what is included and what other modules are there to complete functionality provided in D7.

webchick’s picture

Hm. While Media Entity is included in core (just with a different name + refactoring), and therefore makes sense to mark closed (won't fix) — which has been done, thanks! :) — it's not at all accurate to call what's in core equivalent to Media module in D7. Media (from what I remember anyway, it's been awhile) was a fully-featured thing that allowed uploading media via WYSIWYG, a Media library browser thingy to choose from previously uploaded media, etc.

I think atm the best we can hope for is closed (duplicate), at least for another D8 release or two, but to do that, we need to be able to tell people how to replicate the functionality they previously expected in Drupal 8.

slashrsm’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Status: Needs work » Closed (won't fix)
Related issues: +#2825215: Media initiative: Roadmap

Contrib media module is deprecated since core took the namespace. There are many possibilities in contrib that completely replace it in D8. I updated the issue summary with info about those.