context_extras 6.x-3.0-beta4

messed up release of 6.x-3.0-beta3

ADDED cep_node

new context condition which takes node id as argument. By default it checks if current page argument $node->nid equals to value. Optionally it can lookup also to $node->tnid - original nid from which was current node translated.

provided by, thank you.

context_extras 6.x-3.0-beta3

ADDED cep_node

new context condition which takes node id as argument. By default it checks if current page argument $node->nid equals to value. Optionally it can lookup also to $node->tnid - original nid from which was current node translated.

provided by, thank you.

context_extras 6.x-3.0-beta2

Added additional context reaction "'Enter the path for the default front page." contributed by hadsie.
Per issue:

context_extras 6.x-3.0-beta1

Initial Release for the Context Plugin Extras

This is a module that extends the module context by adding more conditions and (hopefully!) more reactions

Provides two sub modules.

a. cep_negate_path - add condition : Show on every page except the listed pages.
b. cep_immediate_taxonomy_child : "Assign the immediate taxonomy children of a selected taxonomy as a condition"

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