I have a node type created with cck and displayed via a contemplate template. How do I set things up to expose comment variables to contemplate so that I can include a 'create comment' link and a comments thread please?


Patroclas’s picture

As there are several similar requests here, none with any replies, I guessed that this was a question that falls into the 'dumb' category.
In case it helps others, here is what I did not understand before but have now discovered...
When enabling comments for a content type, each existing node of that type also needs to have comments enabled - it is not enough to enable them only in the content type. So the node this module displays as the 'example' must have comments enabled before the variables will show in the list.
See http://drupal.org/node/102861 for more information.

I am still not clear about using the variables as the comment form and list appears in nodes without being included in the contemplate template. What I want to do is modify the comment form and list only for a specific content type, not site-wide, exactly as contemplate will allow me to do for the body of the type.