Perhaps i am confused as to what contemplate is doing - but i think the 2 things that this module tamplates are:

1. node teaser
2. full node

Why is it calling its 2nd section "body". Pretty sure this is incorrect.

I have a content type with 6 fields: title, body, image1, text1, image2, text2

The "body" is a field in my type and has nothing to do with the FULL NODE view that i create.

I think it is likely very confusing to people new to Drupal and this module to suggest that contemplate is templating the "body" which is simply one of the fields in the node.

Am i making sense here???

Peter Lindstrom
LiquidCMS - Content Management Solution Experts


jjeff’s picture

The "body" field affects what gets populated into the $node->body attribute during on the single-page and non-teaser views.

I realize that it might be a little bit confusing that not both templates get called and, in fact, the $node->teaser and $node->body are not available at the same time. But that's just Drupal legacy stuff.

I agree that perhaps there should be more clarity, but I'm not sure that changing the title is the right thing. I'll try to add a bit of descriptive text below the textareas to clarify.

In the meantime, this might be a larger Drupal issue