This is basically a commerce solution that gives the possibility to set a particular time frame for an order to be picked up or delivered.


Fully customizable time slots by providing a configurable set of days and the given slot capacities.

Configure 1 or more time slot entities for different purposes and easily switch between them on the client's needs.

Configurable maximum amount of days to display for the date picker. Also, can configure the date when the end-user can start boking a time frame. By default, it's from today.

Configure the checkout flow visibility.

Attach the desired timeslot to the order information in the "Other" section.

A booking page where the shop admin can view the booked time slots and the corresponding status (active/processed).



A time slot is the main configurator entity that consists of a certain amount of days. You can't add a time slot without even 1 day.

A time slot day consists of a certain amount of day capacities. You can't add a time slot day without event 1 capacity. The day can be normal or desired. A normal day is a regular repeating one but the desired one is usually a holiday or a specific date when there are some restrictions or certain unusual time frames.

The desired day works the way that it overrides a normal day configuration and if there isn't a regular day aside, it won't affect the time slot.

A time slot day capacity is a specific time frame, for example: from 11:00 til 13:00. It also has a capacity, so, this shows the specific amount of orders that may be booked in this particular time frame.

Some of the similar modules

Configuration pages

  • Time slots: admin/commerce/timeslots
  • Time slot days: admin/commerce/timeslots/days
  • Time slot day capacities: admin/commerce/timeslots/day-capacities
  • Time slot bookings: admin/commerce/timeslots/booking
  • Time slots - Settings: admin/commerce/config/timeslots
Supporting organizations: 
Main maintainer

Project information
