In short

Use taxonomy terms that are used in your products to effect your basket/order. For example: set shipping costs based on a term in your product.

This module is also great to use with Physical Fields to calculate shipping rates.

Version 2.0

Version 2.0 has added support to select multiple taxonomy terms in one condition and can now also check both commerce product and the node attached to the commerce product for taxonomy terms.


This little module is an extension to the rules included in commerce to help you setup shipping costs. It will allow you to add conditions selecting the vocabularies that you need and the terms you want to base your condition on.

The module will check all the products in the basket(commerce order) to see if there are matches with the conditions you have set.


This module needs atleast the following modules to run:

  • commerce (needs commerce line item included in this module)
  • Taxonomy

How to use

  • Go to admin -> Store -> config -> shipping
  • choose the shipping rate you want to add the conditions based on taxonomy too.
  • Configure component
  • Add condition
  • check from the selectbox "Order contains a product with a certain term(taxonomy)"
  • wait for the form to load and choose a "Term Reference Field" (taxonomy vocabulary)
  • Next choose a taxonomy term you want to filter on.
  • if you want you can also base an amount on it to make your condition more specific.

After filling it out you can save the condition to get it working.

You can try out the module here: (be warnend, you will need to configure a taxonomy list first, and then create the shipping rules).

Note:If you are allready using 1.0 or 1.01 and you want to upgrade to 2.0, you need to resave all the conditions created with commerce taxonomy conditions.
Resaving the conditions is easy:
- Click on a shipping rate
- Choose 'Edit' for the commerce taxonomy condition
- Click save
- Keep repeating till you got all commerce taxonomy conditions done

Project information
