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This project provides a Payrexx integration for the Drupal Commerce payment and checkout system.
Payrexx is a Swiss payment service provider that provides payment with all popular payment methods.


This project includes a base module that allows an offsite payment with Payrexx.

Installation and usage

  1. Install the module: composer require drupal/commerce_payrexx_integration
    Enable the module by running: drush en commerce_payrexx_integration or via extend page.
  2. Configure the module by following the steps:
    • Create the payment gateway under /admin/commerce/config/payment-gateways and select "Payrexx (Redirect to Payrexx)" as plugin
    • Populate required fields, e.g. instance name, secret, VAT, Fee (note: one of the ways to get instance name is from the first part of the URL when you log in to the admin panel eg.


You will need the following modules:

Drupal Commerce (Commerce Payment module)

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
