Commerce Order Reminder

As the name implies, this light weighted module sends email reminders to website users of the orders that were left uncompleted. The reminders will only be sent about those orders that have the email property filled. This includes even those orders of anonymous users that entered their email in the billing information form but did not complete the checkout process.

Commerce Order Reminder is capable of sending different notifications, allows setting up time ranges, and has many more options. The sending of reminders occurs automatically while cron run, so once you get the module set up, you do not need to worry about it anymore.


  • Configurable minimum and maximum age of the orders to send reminders of
  • Configurable reminder periodicity (if there is more than one reminder)
  • Configurable specific sender information (name and email)
  • Possibility to restrict reminders to certain user roles
  • Possibility to send several reminders
  • Configurable email templates for each reminder

All email templates support tokens, including Commerce Order tokens of the order to be reminded of.

Using the module

Go to admin/commerce/config/commerce-order-reminder, set up the module and enjoy your email reminders being sent automatically.

More detailed instructions can be found here.

The module has no other dependencies than Commerce Order. If you install Token though, you will be able to use a convenient Token Tree when editing reminder email templates.

Project information
