I am importing products. I have been able to successfully import all my products variations using the feeds product import .
My product displays has 2 product variations per 1 product display node.

In my CSV file, the table column "sku" has values "MX28P100-A11B, MX28P100-A11E"

In the product display node import i used the feeds tamper to explode "MX28P100-A11B, MX28P100-A11E" into the Product variation SKU field so as to obtain 2 product variation for each node display.

So after the import, i should have 2 product variation for the node display such as
1. MX28P100-A11B
2. MX28P100-A11E

But instead I get this error after importing

A product with SKU MX28P100-A11E could not be found. Please check that the product exists or import it first.

I did not get this error for one product being attached to the product display put for all products
Any idea what i did wrong?


docans’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Roman_L’s picture

Had same problem here,

when importing product displays with multiple referenced sku -with 'explode' filter from Feeds Tamper-,
it seems that the first value in the array is ignored / shown not found.

A dirty workaround was to add a dumb value first in the SKU array before import.

So the first value is ignored but all the other skus are referenced in the appropriate product display.

donbon’s picture

"MX28P100-A11B, MX28P100-A11E"

I noticed there is a space after the comma. I believe the default tamper explode is set up to accept "MX28P100-A11B,MX28P100-A11E" without a space. If you just used the default without changing it then you might have gotten an error because you didn't specify ",%s" as the separator.

Nikolino’s picture

I've the same problema without space.
This in my csv
This is the error
A product with SKU PC10,PC20,PC30 could not be found. Please check that the product exists or import it first.

P.S. The variations with SKU PC10, PC20 and PC30 exists.

Nikolino’s picture

I used Feed Tamper module to explode the field,