Hi, I'm building a commerce site for a client and we are using the Elavon module. In my client's Elavon settings, he wants to use http referrer restriction. Does anyone know the address that needs to be allowed in the http referrer setting for this module to work with the http referrers setting?


wuinfo - Bill Wu’s picture

Is it whitelisting url?

donbon’s picture

Yes its a whitelist. On my client's oldsite, the URL was "SubmitCreditCard.php " but that was a custom built site that isnt drupal.

wuinfo - Bill Wu’s picture

The URL for the call made to the credit card processor can be found in the module code.

donbon’s picture

Thanks for your time and effort, wuinfo. Maybe its because I'm not super savvy when it comes to module code, but I can't seem to find it in the commerce_elavon.module file or the commerce_elavon.admin.inc file.

wuinfo - Bill Wu’s picture

Is this what you are looking for?

       return 'https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/processxml.do';

       return 'https://demo.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchantDemo/processxml.do';
donbon’s picture

I don't believe so, it would be a url from the website. If I can better clarify something I mentioned above, in the old site it was https://www.myclientswebsite.com/SubmitCreditCard.php. But, again, that was a non-drupal website.

2ndmile’s picture

mattbus, I may be completely missing something but the module's API call to Elavon can not be accessed via a URL directly as in your example so I think your concern is moot.

donbon’s picture

Hi, @2ndmile, you seem to have somehow been able to interpreted my question correctly.
So I must infer from your response that this module will only work if Elavon's HTTP referrer setting is turned off. It feels odd that no one else has brought this up. Maybe I am missing something, perhaps it is because I am not very knowledgeable about Elavon. I apologize if my question was somewhat unintelligible. I am operation from a very limited knowledge of Elavon (my knowledge is limited to what my client has told me as well as a couple of hours I spent googling "elavon http referrer settings"). I very much appreciate you guys taking the time to answer my questions. Thank you :).

wuinfo - Bill Wu’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (cannot reproduce)