This module redirects anonymous users to a page where they can login or create a new account when they try to checkout.
Included in the Commerce Kickstart v2 distribution.

This module requires the following modules:

  • Commerce Cart

Submodule of Drupal Commerce package.

Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal module.
See: for further information.

Configure the Checkout by Amazon settings in Administration > Store > Configuration > Checkout Redirect
Settings available:

  • Checkout redirect path: Set the checkout redirect path for an anonymous user.
    Leave blank to use the default 'user/login' page. If you redirect to other page then make sure you add user login block on that page;
  • Checkout redirect login message: The message that should be displayed for the login page in the checkout process;
  • Use username as order email: This will provide the Anonymous checkout as alternative to login in the login form (radio options);
  • Reset password checkout redirect message: The message that should be displayed for the reset password page for new account in the checkout process;


  • Checkout redirection
    When an anonymous user tries to access the checkout will be redirect to the default login page or custom path if was set in the module configuration,
    If set a message could be displayed to the user.
    There are several posibilities for the user:
    • User login
    • Continue as anonymous
    • Register
    • Request password
  • Back to checkout
    Based on the options from above the user will be redirect back to the checkout page.
    There is an extra step when the user needs to check the email for the reset password link, for Request password and Register with administrator approval or e-mail verification.


Developed & sponsored by Commerce Guys.
Initial development realized by GVJ web sites & consulting.

Drupal 8/9

This functionality is built into Commerce 8.x-2.x

Project information
