Drupal 8's built-in config system is a HUGE step forward. However, now that the community has a couple of years of building Drupal 8 sites behind them, various limitations have surfaced: various common workflows are not natively supported; core's config APIs have missing functionality. While many of these problems have contrib workarounds, often these solutions can conflict with one another, and there's no one set of best practices that works for all.

Hence the Configuration Management Initiative 2.0.

This project space exists to welcome people to the initiative and as a repository for our meeting minutes.


Where to begin?

The Drupal idea issue is a place where the initial need and scope for the initiative - see #2957423: Proposal: Configuration Management 2.0 initiative

The road-map with the broad outline of the steps to achieve our goal:
#3008882: Roadmap for CMI 2

How we communicate?

We have a bi-weekly meeting on Wednesdays at 15:00 UTC. See the core calendar where it is scheduled: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/happypunch.com_eq0e09s0kvcs7v5...

The hangout link for meeting is on the top of the meeting notes and will be kept up to date there. The meeting notes are on google drive.

We also use the #config channel on Drupal Slack

Show me the core issues!

See all the issues tagged with CMI 2.0 candidate

Project information

  • Created by alexpott on , updated