Please Note: This module has been forked as part of the Community Media Advanced initiative.

The forked version is hosted on

We created this fork to provide a central place to host all community media modules that are in ongoing development, and to facilitate new releases.

We are doing this under the terms of GPL version 2, and using Drupal branch/ tag/ release conventions on Github so that new releases can be shown on the Available updates Drupal page the same way they are for modules hosted on

Please be aware that these modules might not be backwards compatible.

The following organizations have undertaken this Community Media Advanced initiative together (listed alphabetically as of July 2017):

Amherst Media, Brattleboro Community Television (BCTV), Easton Community Access Television (ECAT), High Five Access Media (HFAM), Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN), Open Signal PDX, ORCA Media, PhillyCAM, Regional Educational Television Network (RETN), St. Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN), Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM)

For more information and more modules please visit


Community Media TV Schedules provides an easy way to display TV schedules like you see on and websites. This module integrates with Community Media Airings, Community Media Show, and Community Media Project to display airing entities and provide click-through links to shows and projects.

Refer to the documentation page for installation and configuration. You can also watch a screencast at

This module is contributed and supported by RETN, with the generous approval of MNN to mimic their schedule design.


Use this version only if you are using a release of cm_airing prior to May 14, 2014 and installed Project Airings and Show Airings modules from a cm_airing release prior to May 14, 2014. This version of CM TV Schedules is compatible for use with cm_airings and references module (node reference fields). This version will not include any new features, and it is recommended you convert to a CM Airings release that is compatible with Entity reference if you haven't already (see for information on how to convert).


Use this version if you are using a release of cm_airing after May 14, 2014 and installed Project Airings and Show Airings using entity reference compatibility.


To upgrade a major or minor version of CM TV Schedules, use of the following two approaches:
- Download the new version and revert your Community Media TV Schedules feature at Admin > Structure > Features > Community Media (recommended approach)
- Turn off and uninstall CM TV Schedules, download the new version, and reinstall. Note that this approach will reset your colors and CSS settings to the default.

Refer to the documentation page for more information.

Project information
