Two code notices per element of type Hidden it seems.

Notice: Undefined index: element_title in clientside_validation_webform_add_webform_validation() (line 208 of /{PATH}/drupal-7.36/sites/all/modules/clientside_validation/clientside_validation_webform/clientside_validation_webform.module).

Notice: Undefined index: element_name in clientside_validation_webform_add_webform_validation() (line 208 of /{PATH}/drupal-7.36/sites/all/modules/clientside_validation/clientside_validation_webform/clientside_validation_webform.module).

The offending line is:

case 'plain_text':
foreach ($webform_validation_rule['components'] as $component) {
_clientside_validation_set_plain_text($component['element_name'], $component['element_title'], "", $js_rules, '', $negate);


FutureFirstJohn created an issue.

andersiversen’s picture

I get the same notice on a hidden element as well, though mine is numeric.
My webform has one hidden (numeric) element and 8 elements which aren't hidden.
It's only the $component array for the hidden element that lacks the key=>value pair for "element_name" and "element_title", all other keys in the arrays are the same.