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This module integrates the pastefromword CKEditor plugin for Drupal 8.

This plugin allows you to paste content from Microsoft Word and maintain original content formatting. It also adds the Paste from Word toolbar button which makes it possible to paste clipboard data this way only on demand.

Note: This feature was rewritten from scratch in CKEditor 4.6 and is now greatly improved when compared with previous versions in:

Preservation of list numbering, styling and indentation (for example, nested lists with multiple levels, with different styling or custom list markers).
Document structure parsing that fixes plenty of issues with distorted or missing content after paste.
Smarter inline formatting, including preserving text or background color.
Handling hotlinked images.
Tight integration with Advanced Content Filter to efficiently adjust formatting coming from Word to what is allowed in a particular editor configuration.
Clean and valid HTML markup.

The following configuration options are currently provided by this plugin:

CKEDITOR.config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles (to be soon deprecated in favor of Advanced Content Filter)

For CKEditor versions older than 4.6 the following options were available, too:


Project information
