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CiviCRM Active User is a simple module that adds a user to a CiviCRM group upon Drupal login.

This was originally developed primarily to support a double opt-in check when using CiviMail. Not only must the user sign up for a CiviCRM group, they must use their Drupal login by signing in at least once.

In 6.x, now that double opt-in is a default CiviCRM feature, this module would be more useful if they were a way to segment the users into groups by user role. A patch is welcome for this, see #155824: Assign Drupal users to different CiviCRM groups based on current Drupal user role(s).

Known issues

If a user leaves the group, they will be re-added to it. A patch is welcome for this, see #279606: auto-rejoins an unsubscribed contact who unsubscribed via email the next time they sign in.

5.x branch

For a complete double opt-in solution for 5.x, use this module in conjunction with CiviCRM Subscribe. Note, however, that no further development will be done to 5.x, and that 5.x is unsupported, now that Drupal 5 is end-of-life.

6.x branch

6.x is also unsupported now that Drupal 6 is end-of-life.


Completion of the port to 6.x, and the upgrade of the 5.x version to use the CiviCRM v2 APIs, were supported by TechMission for

Initial development of this module was partially supported by CivicActions.

Project information
