
I have a problem with chatroom Behaviors attach.

The situation is this:
I have chatroom as a block in a page. In that page there also a text box with smileys enabled.
The smileys has a function
Drupal.behaviors.smileysAutoAttach = function() { ..... }

The problem is that in every chatroom refresh the function Drupal.behaviors.smileysAutoAttach is called again.
I am novice in javascript and I don't know how to fix this.

Could you give me some suggestion how to proceed to solve this issue?
I don't know if it is a problem of how the smileys modules attaches its behaviour or if its chatroom problem.
I have read that "Any function defined as a property of Drupal.behaviors will get called when the DOM has loaded"
Does chatroom reloads the DOM on every refresh?

Thanks allot for your time.