I know that there are a few threads regarding the popout issue, but I haven't seen them resolved, and I think mine is a little different.

I get the popout feature to work sometimes. Sometimes the result is a 404 error. The URL that the link tries to find is obviously totally different. When it works, it looks for "http://insightrading.com/chat/created-quotcreate-contentquot?chatroom_po...". When it doesn't, "http://insightrading.com/view-in-popout". There doesn't seem to be any clear reason why this is happening.

As to the invite issue, it works, but not how I would like it to work. If User A invites User B, User B gets the invite only if he refreshes the page or navigates to another page in the site. That just doesn't make sense. User B could potentially leave the site without ever knowing about the invite. Is there a way to use the Views module to create a node that would show User B he has been invited as soon as the invite is sent (or shortly thereafter)?



Anonymous’s picture

can you create another issue for the feature request about invites?

i'll try to reproduce the popout bug.