
I hope I am barking up the right tree here so to speak

What i specifically am trying to achieve is to have a CCK content type (Available Business Leads) listed using Views, all details other than name and contact details fields hidden until the user pays (via either Paypal Pro or another gateway, undecided yet) for access. The node would then be removed from sale(any Views), unavailable to anyone else (so it's effectively a one-off product, sold then deleted), with the purchaser either recieving a file download with the entire node informartion in it, or granted access (say, for 1 week) to the full Node.

So, I guess what I'm asking for is - how the heck do I do this???!!! Is the file download or role access option most feasible? Can it even be done (with Ubercart?)

I'm sure this has been done before many times, ubercart definitely preferable to my initial first look at eCommerce module, but just not seeing how to make it work.

I won't be running the site after set up so it needs to be simple for client to add leads using the cck type i've set up, then sell them (reveal the crucial contact details) and be certain they can only be sold once.

Phew! Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I'm still waiting for the penny to drop with this and am very grateful for any nudges in the right direction!



budda’s picture

Selling access to a user role would be one option. And restrict the viewing fields to that certain user role.

Deleting the node from others would be another job. Maybe using Rules module.