We just updated to 6.3 from 6.2 and I noticed in our db log we are seeing a bunch of these warnings.. any ideas?

Notice: Undefined index: description in _fieldgroup_get_tree() (line 274 of /var/www/sites/all/modules/cck/modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.module).


vivianspencer’s picture

Did you ever find the cause of this issue?

oknate’s picture

In fieldgroup module, you can change this:

      // Allow external modules to translate field group strings.
	    $group_strings = array(
	      'label' => $group['label'],
		    'form_description' => $group['settings']['form']['description'],
		    'display_description' => $group['settings']['display']['description'],

to this:

        // Allow external modules to translate field group strings.
	    $group_strings = array(
	      'label' => $group['label'],
		    'form_description' => $group['settings']['form']['description'],
		    'display_description' => isset($group['settings']['display']['description']) ? $group['settings']['display']['description'] : '',