When one create either a number or a text cck field to display as a select box, there are options that covers themselves which shouldn't.
Example : I create a number field that displays as a select box for content type "type1".
Authorized values are 1|one and 2|two.

When I create a new content of type "type1", the select box has three choices : "None, one, two".
This is the expected behaviour, since no default value has been specified for this cck field.

Now, at step 1, if I specify a default value, the "None" choice is not displayed at all. Why not. This is expected behaviour as well.

Now, if at step 1, I *don't* specify a default value but check the "Mandatory" checkbox, the select box lacks the "None" choice as well as the "*" near the field label that allows one to identify a mandatory value. Worst, the first authorized value is the default selected.
This is not the expected behaviour.
I hope that you will understand what I mean. Forgive me if this bug has already been signaled or if I misunderstood how to achieve this.