A content type containing a nodereference field allows non-privileged users to see unpublished nodes in the drop-down select for that field.


tomsm’s picture

I have the same problem. Is there a solution ?

Update: I have found a workaround: Use a view to filter the unpublished nodes out.

OneTwoTait’s picture

Category: bug » feature

I see. That worked for me too.

Feature Request: I think it would be best if the reference widget did not show unpublished nodes by default. They're probably unpublished for a reason.

iantresman’s picture

In CCK 6.x-2.9, unpublished nodes are displayed only if you are logged-in, so that anonymous users do not see them. It would be nice if there was an option to show unpublished node titles to anonymous users:

  • Do not display anything
  • Display only the node title, with no link
  • Optionally display "(Unpublished)"
  • Optionally display the node teaser
marleo’s picture

+1 to get this resolved.

The workaround is ok, but sometimes you don't want to use a view.

In Drupal, permissions and access controls normally follow you around pretty faithfully. If you can't see an unpublished node, why would this select box try to show it to you?