casetracker 8.x-1.x-dev

This is a development branch for compatibility with Drupal 8. It is currently not complete code. Stay tuned.

casetracker 7.x-2.0-alpha2

New features

Major code refactoring

  • Move toward a more OO approach, using more of what Entity API provides
  • Make it easier to to extend the module (evolutions needed while working with the Scrum module -
  • Cleanup and reorganize some code pieces to make it easier to find and maintain the module

UX improvements

  • Everything is under /projects path now, avoiding some weird behaviours occurred while under /admin

casetracker 7.x-1.0-alpha1

the initial port of case tracker module for D7. Enabling this release for
1. more broad testing
2. translation

casetracker 7.x-2.x-dev

New features

Based on the issue, the goal of this new version of Case Tracker is to be a new Entity based module, enabling many other types of integration, taking advantage of the Drupal 7 architecture.

casetracker 7.x-1.x-dev

New features

This release is the first one with a working version of Case Tracker for Drupal 7. You can create Projects and Cases without problems, but the 2 submodules, Notifications and Actions, aren't tested. It seems that all Views are fully working, but needs more testing.

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta9

New features
Bug fixes

The ninth beta release of Case Tracker for Drupal 6.x, this release fixes some minor bugs and adds the "Case Tracker Notifications" sub-module.

This sub-module adds two subscription types that can be used via the Notifications and Messaging suite:

  1. Subscribe to cases assigned to me (this is a common subscription for all projects)
  2. Subscribe to cases for this project (this is a different subscription per project).

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta8

Bug fixes

Bug fix release of Case Tracker for Drupal 6.x

  • Properly santizing output on the casetracker admin screens.
  • Proper token handling for status updates, patch by dagmar.
  • Properly escaping status/type/priority names when displaying. Bug reported by dagmar.

casetracker 5.x-1.4

Security update

Security release of Case Tracker for Drupal 5.x

For complete information see SA-CONTRIB-2010-069 - Case Tracker - Multiple Vulnerabilities.

Please note: The behavior of "access case tracker" permission has been changed in this release. Previously it was used to restrict access to individual project and case nodes, but only in some instances. This access check has been removed and instead users are encouraged to install a content access module to restrict access to these nodes.

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta7

Bug fixes

This is mostly a bug fix release, but with a few important changes.

The always confusing `access case tracker` permission has been removed. This permission was nearly always misinterpreted as a node access style setting. It could prevent users from seeing certain displays, but not from seeing the nodes themselves. Users who relied on this permission are advised to reconfigure the default Views provided by casetracker to use an access plugins which checks the current users role.

The `casetracker_mail` module has been removed. This module never got the full D6 upgrade that it needed. Many users have already transitioned to using the Notifications and Messaging modules which can be use to replace most (if not all) of the outgoing mail functions that had been provided by `casetracker_mail`. This is now the recommended approach. We'll probably add a re-concepted `casetracker_notifications` module in the future to strengthen this integration.

Other changes in this release include:

  • Updated the README.txt
  • Removing the 'access case tracker' permission.
  • #759434 by dagmar, Assign to user widget more configurable
  • #759566 by dagmar, Make "assigned to" a view relationship.

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta6

Bug fixes

Small fix:

- Ensure that the assign_to field on nodes loaded by casetracker are also saved correctly by casetracker.

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta5

Bug fixes

Beta 5 Release of Case Tracker for Drupal 6.x

Various fixed and Changes, including:

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta4

New features
Bug fixes

Fourth beta release of Case Tracker 1.0 for Drupal 6

New Stuff:

* #448578 mostly by Grayside. Adding actions to casetracker.


* by yhahn. Ensuring the anonymous user is available as an assignee option if specified as default assignee.

casetracker 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Bug fixes and improvements, including:

* Using views to control which users can be assigned cases.
* More consistent exposed filter forms
* bringing back the 'Jump to case' block.
* Improved handling of case meta-data on node preview.

casetracker 5.x-1.3-beta2

Bug fixes

Second beta release of the 1.3 branch. Contains many small bug fixes.

casetracker 5.x-1.3-beta1

Bug fixes

New features

Pgsql support

Case Tracker installer script(s) contains the necessary query's to create the Postgres tables.
Dashboard query's are altered so they work in MySQL and Postgres.

casetracker 5.x-1.2

New features


There is a bug in the install (only for new casetracker installs) script!
If you install this version (fresh install) then you have to manually run the update.php script and select the update #21 from the casetracker module dropdown.

Or you can use the casetracker 5.x-1.3-beta1 release instead!

New features

Organic Groups support

The Case Tracker module supports now Organic groups:

casetracker 5.x-1.2-beta2

Bug fixes

Bugfix release.


  • #187943: Error when submitting case or comment
  • #116207: Anonymous users can see cases without access actually granted
  • #188072: CT Dashboard SQL Error

casetracker 5.x-1.2-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This is an intermediate release.

It has some bugs fixed and some new features many people asked for.

It has been tested by a limited group of users, it is pretty stable but still has some known bugs

casetracker 5.x-1.1

 * "Case States" now has a description in the admin/ blocks.
 * #108322: cbutera, jo1ene, et. al: PHP 5 compatibility fixes.
 * #107178: Breadcrumbs only show up on full $page view. Whoopsie.
 * #107548 by kbahey: allow mail clients to thread with In-Reply-To.
 * Fixed rare scenario where comment old/new would show up on non-cases.
 * #105799: casetracker/cases and projects tables have more css classes.
 * #65571: Existing nodes without CT information now receive it after editing.

casetracker 5.x-1.0

 * hook_uninstall() has been added to basic, core, and mail.
 * basic node types renamed: casetracker_basic now ships with node types named
   casetracker_basic_project (and _case) as opposed to the original form of
   casetracker_project. this renaming was a paranoid sideeffect of adding a
   hook_uninstall() which would DELETE node types named casetracker_project.
   we felt that such a name would be relatively common for custom CCK-like
   installations, and didn't want to see accidental deletions when and if

casetracker 4.7.x-1.0

A final (save for important bug fixes) version for Drupal 4.7, entirely reworked by Morbus Iff.

 * database: casetracker_comment merged with casetracker_comment_status.
 * all css ids and classes are now - delimited, not _.
 * database: casetracker_case:p_id is renamed to pid.
 * database: casetracker_case:case_id is renamed to case_number.
 * database: casetracker_comment_status:project_term_id renamed to pid.
 * database: casetracker_project:project_no is renamed to project_number.
 * casetracker > cases menu item is now modifiable. hackish, but ok.
 * casetracker_case_state_load() now issues one query and then caches.
 * mail sending and receiving has been moved into casetracker_mail.module.
 * Removed the use of sequences to keep track of Case Tracker's project and
   case numbers. The sequences for cases were never implemented properly; to
   do them right would mean filling up sequences with a per-project counter.
   Everything has been moved to a settings variable which, while allowing for
   a race condition, doesn't abuse sequences (with both amount of project
   case numbers and the forcing of +100 instead of +1 by db_next_id()).
 * "Jump to case number" block now requires 'access case tracker' perms.
 * "Latest cases" block configuration moved to block edit screen.
 * xmlrpc_example.php added to repository, demonstrating simple client access.
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