campaignmonitor 8.x-2.0-alpha1

Bug fixes
New features

First commit for 2.x release
- Created CM and CM subscription services
- Added custom fields to configuration

campaignmonitor 8.x-2.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Create Campaignmonitor connector as a service
Remove sub modules
Contains only upgraded code
Add custom field functionality with weights and required

campaignmonitor 8.x-1.0-beta1

New features

New modules:
Campaign monitor local, which saves subscriptions to the Drupal CMS so that user subscriptions can be displayed via Views
Campaign monitor hold, which uses the local module to save the subscriptions before they are implemented and only subscribe users once they are activated - helps prevent spammers filling up your subscription lists.

campaignmonitor 8.x-1.0-alpha2

A working version of Campaign monitor for Drupal 8
This module is working on a production site with no problems

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

This release requires that you translates string once more, if you are running a multilingual site.

* Issue #1648890 by pfrenssen: Minor whitespace fixes
* Issue #1648888 by pfrenssen: Improve language used in strings
* Issue #1648878 by pfrenssen: Documentation cleanup

campaignmonitor 6.x-2.5

Security update

The module did not sufficiently validate strings entered in the administration interface there by opening the possibility of XSS. This release fixes the issues.

See SA-CONTRIB-2012-114 - Campaign Monitor - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) for more details.

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes

Issue #1508270 by harrrrrrr: Fixed user does not get subscribed to lists on registration form
Issue #1273958 bypfrenssen: Fixed small typo in campaign monitor integration library
Issue #1273958 by cableman0408: Fixed small typo in the module

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

This release fixes a range of bugs found in the module.

  • Issue #1400360 by cableman0408: Update make file to download tarball of the campaign monitor library from github
  • By cableman0408: Fixed trailing spaces and now using Drupals strtolower function
  • By cableman0408: Changed PHP constants to uppercase
  • Issue #1400360 by L-four: Fixed campaign monitor make file
  • Issue #1399890 by cableman0408: Fixed undefined index for token replacement in name field
  • By cableman0408: Fixed submit handlers for the sub-modules, so custom validation functions can be used
  • Issue #1395344 by nclavaud: Fixed subscriber info is sent to CM even if form is invalid
  • By cableman0408: Fixed array index error for custom field when list options have not been set yet
  • Issue #1396218 by nclavaud: Added a theme function for the subscription form
  • Issue #1273958 by cableman0408: Fixed spelling where -> were
  • Issue #1345854 by vasi1186: Fixed user subscribed even if the registration failed
  • By cableman0408: Updated coding style to stream-line the code
  • Issue #1342274 by vasi1186: Update email on user update
  • By cableman0408: Added better error checking on administration pages

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

By cableman0408: Fixed error in logging errors to watchdog
By cableman0408: Made little change in the wording of error messages
By cableman0408: Wrapped instructions in t() functions to support translation
Issue #1267970 by bpwilliams: Fixed optional subscription text on user and registration page
Issue #1267970 by bpwilliams: Fixed issue with empty token values
Issue #1272406 by bpwilliams: Fixed minor typo in error message
Updated make file with new campaign monitor integration library release version

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

This release uses the libraries module to handle the Campaign Monitor API library. There have been added support for disabling/enabling lists and selecting which lists should be shown on user and registration pages. The module now supports the token module, which can be used to automatically fill out Campaign Monitor fields.

Added libraries module to make file
Issue #1245074 by DeNelo: Fixed call to undefined function in user sub-module
By cableman0408: Added support for tokens on custom fields
By cableman0408: Added token support for name field in subscription form
By cableman0408: Added list stats template file and fixed enabled stats bug in sub-modules
By cableman0408: Refactored check of a given lists enabled state by implementing the function is_list_enabled
By cableman0408: Added list stats theme function
By cableman0408: Added support for list enable state in sub-modules
By cableman0408: Added fast-track to disable lists
By cableman0408: Added fast-track to enable lists
By cableman0408: Added enable/disable lists
By cableman0408: Added option to select which lists should be displayed on the registration page
By cableman0408: Added option to select which lists should be displayed on the user page
By cableman0408: Refactored the creation of the campaign monitor class and made account tokens optional

campaignmonitor 6.x-3.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

This release contains a lot of code changes, so remember to update the database (update.php) and clear caches. The biggest change is caching of data from Campaign Monitor.

The following commits have been add:

By cableman0408: Added better user feedback in contact and registration forms doing form submit
By cableman0408: Added check to ensure that data is returned from campaign monitor
By cableman0408: Fixed wrong form submit function name
By cableman0408: Fixed logic error in caching of lists and custom fields
By cableman0408: Added caching of lists, list details and custom fields from campaign monitor to get better performance
By cableman0408: Made the name field optional on the subscription form
Issue #816004 by cableman0408: Added the option to select/disable the subscribe newsletter on user pages
Issue #997412 by crea: Fixed user newsletters access control
Issue #998224 by cableman0408: Fixed translation errors based on crea's patch
Issue #955056 by crea: Fixes drupal subscribe message on registration page, which was displayed even if you did not subscribe to a newsletter
By cableman0408: Fixed duplicated messages based on the patch from issue #810786 by crea
By cableman0408: Fixed display of archive link, so it's only displayed when the URL is defined
By cableman0408: Re-factored the administration form

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.0-beta1


This is the first release of the module for Drupal 7. It's a complete rewrite of the module and it has some new features, such a list creation/deletion, caching and usage for the new Campaign Monitor v3 API.

It has a new administration interface too :-)

campaignmonitor 7.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

Development release of the module.

The administration interface have been rewritten from D6 version and this release uses the new Campaign Monitor v3 API.

campaignmonitor 6.x-3.0-beta2

New features

Update campaign monitor php library.

Added capability of turning off custom fields in subscribe form in case you don't want to use them on your site, to create a more simple sign-up.

campaignmonitor 6.x-2.4

New features
Bug fixes

If you still only need one list, and you don't need custom fields, stick with the 6.x-2.x line until the 6.x-3.x line is out of beta.

Make sure to check in the administration area on updating because you might need to update some values.

campaignmonitor 6.x-3.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

Lots of updates made for this one.

Updated to use Campaign Monitor PHP API provided here:

Updated to display custom fields

Name field can now be automatically filled by a chosen token or profile field. Also allows for people to create their own module to implement another way to get the default for the name field. I've borrowed/stolen this functionality from the Mailchimp module, and I greatly appreciate it.

campaignmonitor 6.x-2.3

Bug fixes

Mostly just some small bug fixes and typos.
Also removed checkboxes being checked by default as this violated the Anti-SPAM policy
Only major thing, and update from the php soap extension to the CampaignMonitor PHP API found here:
No longer requires that extension to be installed.

campaignmonitor 5.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Mostly just some small bug fixes and typos.
Also removed checkboxes being checked by default as this violated the Anti-SPAM policy
Only major thing, and update from the php soap extension to the CampaignMonitor PHP API found here:
No longer requires that extension to be installed.

campaignmonitor 6.x-2.x-dev

Development branch for the 6.x-2.x version of the module. This is the starting version with the new API.

campaignmonitor 6.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

This release follows the update at Campaign Monitor to merge both tools (CM and MailBuild) into one. This updates to the new API format. If you haven't updated your API key and ListID, this new version will fail.

campaignmonitor 5.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fixed up the 'add subscriber' issue that was occuring.
Fixed an issue where the checkboxes on the contact and registration pages were showing up even if they were deselected in the configuration.

Updated the code so that it is a bit more organized and easier to find certain kinds of functions.

campaignmonitor 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed important bug where a function call was named incorrectly.
Removed unnecessary testing watchdog calls.

campaignmonitor 5.x-1.0

Initial release of the Campaign Monitor module. Includes the following features:

  • Block for a Campaign Monitor list to allow people to subscribe and unsubscribe
  • The ability to add checkboxes to subscribe to the list through registration and contact page
  • Page that displays already sent campaigns for the list
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