cameratag 7.x-1.9

Bug fixes
New features

Update to version 13 of cameratag
Update options with new API (instead of data-options all options are passed separately using data- attributes)

cameratag 7.x-1.7

New features

#2962419 by joaogarin, sepgil: Make sure videos are deleted when field is deleted or updated

cameratag 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes

cameratag 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes
New features

Upgrade to version 10 (Fixes Google chrome issue with recent releases)
CSS now is included via link

cameratag 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes

Fixed some issues with multiple videos being displayed on a page.

cameratag 7.x-1.x-dev

New features

Development version. Has to be more tested by more users to improve and release a beta version.

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