I am using this great theme to build a website for a client and it would be a massive bonus if they could change the front page slideshow images themselves without having to use FTP. They're not really able to use FTP themselves which means I have to do it, which is inconvenient. Is there a contributed module or something I could use to add fields within the site somewhere which will let them upload the image files? I've tried doing this in a shonky way (I'm not a coder myself) by adding a custom content type with an image upload field configured to put the file into the /sites/all/themes/business/images directory, but this involved reconfiguring the global file settings at /admin/config/media/file-system and in any case even if the user uploads a file called slide-image-1.jpg to the directory in this way, Drupal doesn't replace the existing slide-image-1.jpg but renames it slide-image-1_0.jpg so this workaround is no good.