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VBO (views bulk operations) was included with core... sort of. This module attempts to bring back bulk field modifications in drupal 8. Dates, users and paragraphs are supported as of the 2.x branch.

NOTE: This module is not designed to work with contrib VBO, only Core Actions in /admin/content/* using Core Bulk Update fields

If you are using views_bulk_operations module then use: to add back the "modify field values' action. This module only works with core bulk functionality.

Note that some non standard widgets (such as entity browser) do not work and will cause errors. To avoid the errors, switch to core widgets in the entity's form display before running the bulk update.

A module for those who need to bulk update fields in nodes or other entities.

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Latest release of Drupal 8.x.

Enable the module
Go to /admin/structure/views/view/content
edit Content: Node operations bulk form views field
select "Bulk Update Fields to Another Value" action and save the views.
Go to /admin/content
Select Some nodes [or other entity types]
Select Action "Bulk Update [bundle_type] Fields"
Hit "Apply to selected items"
Select the Fields to alter (NOTE: it is ok to select fields that are not in all content types selected)
Hit "Next"
Update the fields with appropriate values (NOTE dates not working yet)
Hit "Next"
"Are you sure?" - Hit "Alter Fields"
Wait for batch process.

Project information
