Thumbnail is 150px x 150px,

  • has height of 100px.
    So, thumbnails are overlapping. Anyone else run in to something like this? I JUST installed BG yesterday and just noticed this bug.

    And yes, I spent about 30 minutes looking thru old issue tickets and didn't really find any info looking related.

  • Comments

    Branjawn’s picture

    Sorry, that should read:

    Thumbnail is 150px x 150px,
    <li> has height of 100px.

    Branjawn’s picture

    Branjawn’s picture

    I see this seems to be a duplicate of #651344: Images overlap ... but that case was never closed nor solved.

    Using Firebug I can trace the code to {height:100px} ... this must be generated by the module.

    So! Back to the point, why is this value not set according to the thumbnail width I set in the BG settings?

    Branjawn’s picture

    Please, someone help.

    Branjawn’s picture

    It seems the li is always 66% of the actual image size.

    chrisbeng’s picture

    This seems to be the same exact problem I'm having- see:

    thanks for putting the gallery up for a visual demo of what's happening.