bricks 2.1.0

Tagging previous beta release as full release post testing.

bricks 2.0.2

Works well with the previously "experimental" paragraphs widget.

bricks 2.0.2-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

If a layout paragraph is access denied, it no longer errors out.

Parent paragraph is carried.

bricks 2.0.2-beta1

Bug fixes

A bricks_revisions_nested formatter has been added. Using bricks_nested with bricks_revisioned fields is broken because it was extended from EntityReferenceFormatterBase and EntityReferenceFormatterBase::prepareView loads entities by the id so if a non-default paragraph id is referenced then it'll load the wrong revision. The next beta will contain an upgrade splitting these off.

bricks 2.0.0

Bug fixes

Stable Drupal 9 compatible release including the following changes:

Issue #2897647 by zviryatko, Charlie ChX Negyesi, rjjakes: Add proper translation support

Issue #3046811 by ksemihin, Charlie ChX Negyesi: Insert options as separated column

Issue #2897647 by zviryatko, vilepickle, Charlie ChX Negyesi, smerth, Razunter, mandclu, tonycorp, maursilveira, phjou: Add proper translation support

bricks 8.x-1.6

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 8.x-1.5:

  • #2884168 by tonystar: Smart Layout API support
  • #2883295 by mitsuroseba, tonystar: ErrorException: Undefined index: entities
  • Move default Bricks from Bricks Bootstrap
  • Migrate from Bricks Bootstrap to Bootstrap Kit
  • Proxy referenced Entity label
  • Pass $entity instead $entity_type in _bricks_form_element_alter()

Upgrading from 8.x-1.5

  1. Upgrade as usual.
  2. Create Layout bundle manually to be able to use the newest Layout API integration:
    • ECK: Structure > ECK > Bundle list > Add bundle.
    • Paragraphs: Structure > Paragraphs > Add type.
  3. Don't forget to allow this bundle in your Bricks field settings!

bricks 8.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-1.4:

  • #2866294 by tonystar: Removing the item breaks the tree of entities (JS)
  • #2881149 by vilepickle: Prevent undefined index in bricks_preprocess_paragraph()
  • Add link to project homepage

bricks 8.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-1.3:

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