
Adds a login and register link in the nav bar. Opens them in Bootstrap Modals.
This module is intended for use with the Bootstrap theme.
By default the login and register links are added to the navigation region, but they can be moved on the block admin page.


Chaos tool suite (ctools)
Bootstrap 3


Just enable the module. You should now see login and register links on the right of the main bootstrap nav bar. There are no settings for the module but you can override output as outlined below.

Overriding output

Override the theme_bootstrap_login_modal_output($vars) function.
See this page on information on overriding theme functions.

create new account / request new password links

By default the login modal gets the standard login form which does not contain the "create new account" and "request new password" links. If you want these links in the modal you should override the output as stated above and replace
$login_form = drupal_get_form('user_login');
$login_form = drupal_get_form('user_login_block');

Similar / related modules

  • Twitter Bootstrap Modal

    The Twitter Bootstrap Modal module provides functionality to enable modals for blocks and loads them via ajax. As opposed to this module which only adds links to open modals for login and register forms in the default bootstrap nav and does not load them via ajax (though does submit via ajax)

Project information
