
I have enabled all boots themes but the boots admin theme however the header menu is not showing up, including the site logo, the site name and primary menus don't show even after clearing the caches.

Notice: Undefined index: site_top in include() (line 8 of /foo/sites/all/themes/boots/boots_grid/templates/page.tpl.php).
Notice: Undefined index: content_top in include() (line 31 of /foo/sites/all/themes/boots/boots_grid/templates/page.tpl.php).
Notice: Undefined index: site_bottom in include() (line 50 of /foo/sites/all/themes/boots/boots_grid/templates/page.tpl.php).

After setting back the cache, a refresh will no longer show these messages.
I was using bootstrap before enabling boots, but now the theme list no longer shows bootstrap, only my sub theme.