bloggers 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

bug by vladsavitsky: Added a variable to replace a placeholder in SQL-query for non-paging mode.

bug #663436 by Arturus: Some bloggers appears twice in list on different pages - FIXED.

bloggers 6.x-1.4

New features

feature request #660180 by arturus: Show registration date for bloggers.

feature request #660180 by arturus: Show total posts in blog and added sorting bloggers list by total number of posts in blog.

bloggers 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

bug #662144 by vladsavitsky: SQL-query with not translated table name - Fixed.

bloggers 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

task by vladsavitsky: removed useless data and version.

bug #661624 by vladsavitsky: with some set of parameters bloggers was not shown at all - fixed. Also fixed typo in SQL-query and removed debug comments

security bug by vladsavitsky: All SQL query was made more safe.

bloggers 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed pager.
CSS: user name element now has 'clear:both' attribute.
CSS: disabled UL list's bullets ('backbround') that appears in Garland theme.

bloggers 6.x-1.0

New features

Initial release. All code was tested and working.

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