config page

Better Login Form Configure module provides you with a configuration page a , where you can configure the label, description and login button of the default user login form and register form .its also customized forgot password template . You can include or exclude custom template of login ,register and forgot password page by checkbox from configuration page .


You can configure the form title, label and description of the username and password fields and the text of the login button.
It removes the unwanted tabs on the default login form.
It provides you links of "Create New Account" and "Forgot your password" whose visibility is also configurable.
it provides you login ,forgot ,resister page template configuration . include and exclude template by checkbox .

How it Works
This module uses three templates:

  • page--user--login.tpl.php
  • page--user--password.tpl.php
  • page--user--register.tpl.php

These are available in the /templates directory in the module. You can include or exclude template from configuration page .

Similar projects and how they are different

Better Login is a similar project but it does not provide any configuration option. Apart from this, there are many login modules available but none provides configuration and include and exclude template of page

Clear caches after saving configuration to ensure changes have been applied.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
