bee_colony 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Critical BugFix in product.delete: Model was assumed as integer. Now properly checks for string type in addition to integers.

bee_colony 6.x-1.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

FIX: "beeColony.productInsert" Some internal paths hardcoded to test site.
FIX: "beeColony.productInsert" Modified some text strings.
FIX: "beeColony.productInsert" now properly updates description and weight for existing taxonomy terms.
FIX: "beeColony.orderUpdate" now uses uc_order_update_status() so ubercart can trigger conditional actions.
FEATURE: "beeColony.productInsert" status key to control if product node is published.
FEATURE: "beeColony.purgeOrphanTaxonomy" new method to delete catalog taxonomy terms with no products.

bee_colony 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Initial release.

Actual available commands:

- beeColony.ordersGetByStatus(status)
- beeColony.ordersGetAll()
- beeColony.orderUpdate(id, data)
- beeColony.orderProductsGet(orders)
- beeColony.orderProductsUpdate(id, sku, data)
- beeColony.ordersGetXML(status)
- beeColony.ordersGetAllXML()
- beeColony.productGet(sku)
- beeColony.productInsert(product, images*, taxonomy*, force_update*)
- beeColony.productUpdate(product, images*, taxonomy*)
- beeColony.productDelete(sku)

* = optional

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