A simple reset theme that gives the themer total control of the output.

Bassline is built in HTML5 with a reset stylesheet so it comes with no styling, the reason for this is so the themer can add any grid system they like into the child theme. We don't want to add any assumptions for the end user.

Child theme

Bassline comes with a child theme which makes use of the Bootstrap 3 grid system & can be easily enabled with the use of Drush .


Create a child theme, using the default options.
drush bassline "My theme name"

Create a child theme with a specific machine name.
drush bassline "My theme name" my_theme

Create a child theme in the specified directory.
drush bassline "My theme" --path=sites/default/themes

For more details run: drush bassline --help

Please note:
The theme is currently going through a QA process with real world tests to ensure that it is ready for release.

Project information
