bamboo_twig 6.0.1

## [6.0.1] - 2024-03-01
### Changed
- re-enable PHPUnit Symfony Deprecation notice
- update codebase to be compliant PHP8.2
- rework tests by using a custom theme "bamboo_twig" in order of overriding \*.html.twig template for tests purpose
- change Blocks rendered via bamboo_render_block do not use the block theme hook - Issue #3110310 by wengerk, rattusrattus, sahaj, interdruper, gido
- fix Issue #3417105 - remove all requirements on twig/extensions
- disable PHPUnit Symfony Deprecation notice since Drupal 10.2

bamboo_twig 6.0.0

## [6.0.0] - 2022-11-18
### Added
- add official support of drupal 9.5 & 10.0

### Changed
- drop support of drupal below 9.3.x
- bump major release number in order of using Drupal new semver system

bamboo_twig 6.0.x-dev

New Dev branch following the "new tag semver" of Drupal (we can't create 5.2.0, prevent us - sorry for bumping as major 6.0.x in order of using new semver system).

bamboo_twig 8.x-5.1

New features

## [5.1.0] - 2022-10-21
### Changed
- drop support of drupal 8.8 & 8.9
- change bamboo_render_block to support block context-mapping

### Fixed
- fix docker running tests on Github Actions

### Security
- update linter phpdd 2.0.24 => 2.0.29

### Added
- add coverage for Drupal 9.3, 9.4 & 9.5
- add upgrade-status check

### Removed
- remove satackey/action-docker-layer-caching on Github Actions

bamboo_twig 8.x-5.0

## [5.0.0] - 2022-06-24
### Added
- replace drupal_ti by wengerk/drupal-for-contrib
- remove dependency on twig/extensions
- fix Issue #3168662 by Michael Humbert: docker-compose with phpunit not working
- enforce PHPCS integration via GithubActions
- close Issue #3247601 - add drupalci.yml file to install symfony/mime on testing container

bamboo_twig 8.x-5.0-alpha1

Bug fixes
  • Fix compatibility with Drupal 8.8.x and Drupal 9.0
  • Remove deprecation notice for Drupal 9 Readiness

bamboo_twig 8.x-4.1

New features

- add `bamboo_has_permissions` - Issue #2955808
- add `bamboo_has_roles` - Issue #2955808
- fix Dependency namespacing in .info.yml file - Issue #2992564
- improve `bamboo_has_permissions` & `bamboo_has_roles` README doc - Issue #2955808

bamboo_twig 8.x-4.0

New features

- Refactoring of Loader & Renderer to use the current context (current page lang).
- Improve tests with a full i18n coverage.

bamboo_twig 8.x-3.3

Bug fixes

Fix following issues

  • Issue #2966556 - Date diff calculation error

bamboo_twig 8.x-3.2

- add Travis CI
- add Style CI
- add badges to
- fix composer invalid warning

bamboo_twig 8.x-3.1

New features

Bamboo Twig 8.x-3.1 add some new features:
- add a filter to render views: `bamboo_render_views`.
- add some tests for the new `bamboo_render_views` filter.

bamboo_twig 8.x-3.0

Bug fixes

Fixed test fails from breaking change of latest Core (8.4.0) changes.

bamboo_twig 8.x-2.1

New features

Bamboo Twig 8.x-2.1 improve the usage of bamboo_extensions_time_diff.

It had the followings features:
- Choose the period between s|i|h|d|m|y. When empty, automatically choose the most accurate one.
- Choose between an Humanize/Math output format

bamboo_twig 8.x-3.x-dev

New features

- Fixed test fails for breaking change of latest Core (8.4) changes.

bamboo_twig 8.x-2.0

New features

Bamboo Twig 8.x-2.0 has a lot of advantages and brings a lot of new features to the Twig landscape of Drupal 8.

It boosts performance by using lazy loading & improves the code quality with automated workflow.
It also includes automated unit and kernel tests to ensure stability.

bamboo_twig 8.x-1.0

I'm proud to present the first stable release of Bamboo Twig for Drupal 8.

Bamboo Twig module provides some Twig extensions with some useful functions and filters that can improve development experience.

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