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The Backup and Migrate Yandex Disk module provides support functions for module "Backup and Migrate" to automatically backups for "Free" cloud service "Yandex.Disk".

ru: Модуль позволяет хранить резервные копии сайта в бесплатном облачном сервисе "Яндекс.Диск".


1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the "Backup and Migrate on Yandex Disk" module.
2. If not have account on, create it!
3. Configure the module at admin/config/development/backup_migrate/yandex-disk-settings - clicking "Create new app"
and register the application as described in the documentation
Required fields: "App name", "Platform", "Callback URI (", "REST API (all items)" and save app.
4. Fill "ID" and "Password" on admin/config/development/backup_migrate/yandex-disk-settings form and click "Save configuration".
5. After save settings, "Get token" button will be available. Click "Get token" and approve and confirm rights on redirected page.
6. If everything went without errors, you will be redirected back to the form and you see "Token expires" and "Yandex disk information"
7. Go to "Destinations" admin/config/development/backup_migrate/settings/destination and create destination.
8. Use it.

App name
App name
App name
App name

App name26.46 KB
Services48.82 KB
REST23.24 KB
Save20.79 KB

Project information
