This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Autotranslated Output for Bool fields addresses a common annoyance for multilingual sites. You need to set labels for values 0 and 1 for every Bool field you have, and then translate those labels. The translations are tied to the field, so if you have five fields with Yes/No alternatives, you have to write Yes and No five times, then translate those Five times, because the text is the same, but the field and its context is not.

That's OK for a couple fields, but what if you have, let's say, a hundred?

Considering that most of the time bool fields have always the same pairs of labels (yes/no, true/false, on/off), we implemented a way to choose among those tags, and then render them automatically translated by providing a new display mode for bool fields: "Autotranslated strings".

How to use:
1 - Install as usual.
2 - When configuring your field, choose one of the "autotranslatable" pairs of labels. Don't worry about the custom labels, if you choose an autotranslatable pair of labels, it will overcome the custom ones.
3 - Go to Manage Display tab, and select "Autotranslated strings" as display mode for your bool field.

Supporting organizations: 
Code, Knowledge, Testing

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Site Structure, Multilingual
  • Created by nachenko on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
